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Relax and Generate CRUD Endpoints

Slothful CRUD is a library designed to streamline the creation of CRUD endpoints effortlessly. By implementing the necessary interfaces in domain classes, you can quickly register the library and generate RESTful endpoints. Simplify your API development with Slothful CRUD.

Getting Started

Before you can use Slothful CRUD in your application, you need to add the NuGet package. You can do it using your IDE or the command line

dotnet add package slothful-crud

Basic Usage

To configure and use Slothful CRUD in your application, follow these steps.

Modify Program.cs

Step 1: Add Services

In the Program.cs file, add Slothful CRUD services to the dependency injection container.

using SlothfulCrud.Extensions;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add SlothfulCrud to the DI container

var app = builder.Build();

In the above code, SlothfulDbContext is your database context class that should inherit from DbContext and be defined in your project.

Step 2: Configure the Application

Next, configure the application to use Slothful CRUD by calling the UseSlothfulCrud extension method:

// Configure the application to use SlothfulCrud


Define DbContext

Ensure you have defined your database context DbContext like this:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

public class SlothfulDbContext : DbContext
    public SlothfulDbContext(DbContextOptions<SlothfulDbContext> options) : base(options)

    public DbSet<Sloth> Sloths { get; set; }

Implementing the ISlothfulEntity Interface

To use Slothful CRUD with your entities, you need to implement the ISlothfulEntity interface. Here is an example implementation:

using SlothfulCrud.Domain;

namespace SlothfulApp.Api.Domain
    public class Sloth : ISlothfulEntity
        public Guid Id { get; private set; }
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public int Age { get; private set; }
        public string DisplayName => Name;
        public Sloth(Guid id, string name, int age)
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
            Age = age;
        public void Update(string name, int age)
            Name = name;
            Age = age;

In this example:

  • The Sloth class implements the ISlothfulEntity interface.
  • The Id, Name, and Age properties are defined for the Sloth entity.
  • The DisplayName property is implemented from the ISlothfulEntity interface.
  • The Sloth class includes constructors and an Update method for managing entity data.

Explanation of Properties and Methods

  • DisplayName Property: The DisplayName property is used to present the entity in a simplified form, similar to a Data Transfer Object (DTO) with properties Id and DisplayName. This helps in displaying concise information about the entity.
  • Constructor: The constructor is used to create parameters for the POST Create endpoint. When a new entity is created, the constructor initializes the necessary properties.
  • Update Method: The Update method is used to create parameters for the PUT Update endpoint. This method allows updating the entity’s properties with new values.

Generated Endpoints

Slothful CRUD automatically generates several endpoints for managing your entities. Below is a summary of the 6 endpoints generated for the Sloth entity:

Get Sloth Details

Endpoint GET /sloths/{id}


Retrieves the details of a specific sloth by its ID.


  • id (path, required): UUID of the sloth.


  • 200: Success, returns SlothDetailsDto.
  • 404: Not Found.
  • 400: Bad Request.

Response Schema: SlothDetailsDto

  • id: UUID of the sloth.
  • name: Name of the sloth (nullable).
  • age: Age of the sloth (integer).
  • displayName: Display name of the sloth (nullable).

Update Sloth

Endpoint PUT /sloths/{id}


Updates the details of a specific sloth by its ID.


  • id (path, required): UUID of the sloth.

Request Body

  • UpdateSloth: JSON schema with updated sloth details.


  • 204: No Content.
  • 404: Not Found.
  • 400: Bad Request.

Request Schema: UpdateSloth

  • name: Updated name of the sloth (nullable).
  • age: Updated age of the sloth (integer).

Delete Sloth

Endpoint DELETE /sloths/{id}


Deletes a specific sloth by its ID.


  • id (path, required): UUID of the sloth.


  • 204: No Content.
  • 404: Not Found.
  • 400: Bad Request.

Browse Sloths

Endpoint GET /sloths/list/{page}


Retrieves a paginated list of sloths.


  • page (path, required): Page number (integer).
  • query (query, optional): Additional query parameters.


  • 200: Success, returns SlothDtoPagedResults.
  • 404: Not Found.
  • 400: Bad Request.

Response Schema: SlothDtoPagedResults

  • first: The first item index in the current page (integer).
  • rows: The number of rows per page (integer).
  • total: The total number of items (integer).
  • data: Array of SlothDto objects (nullable).

Schema: SlothDto

  • id: UUID of the sloth.
  • name: Name of the sloth (nullable).
  • age: Age of the sloth (integer).
  • displayName: Display name of the sloth (nullable).

Browse Selectable Sloths

Endpoint GET /sloths/selectable-list/{page}


Retrieves a paginated list of selectable sloths.


  • page (path, required): Page number (integer).
  • query (query, optional): Additional query parameters.


  • 200: Success, returns BaseEntityDtoPagedResults.
  • 404: Not Found.
  • 400: Bad Request.

Response Schema: BaseEntityDtoPagedResults

  • first: The first item index in the current page (integer).
  • rows: The number of rows per page (integer).
  • total: The total number of items (integer).
  • data: Array of BaseEntityDto objects (nullable).

Schema: BaseEntityDto

  • id: UUID of the entity (nullable).
  • displayName: Display name of the entity (nullable).

Create Sloth

Endpoint POST /sloths


Creates a new sloth.

Request Body

  • CreateSloth: JSON schema with new sloth details.


  • 201: Created, returns the UUID of the newly created sloth.
  • 400: Bad Request.

Request Schema: CreateSloth

  • id: UUID of the new sloth.
  • name: Name of the new sloth (nullable).
  • age: Age of the new sloth (integer).