Endpoints configuration

The following configuration options are available for customizing the behavior of your endpoints in the Slothful CRUD library:

  • HasEndpoint: Enables or disables the endpoint.
  • AllowAnonymous: Disables authorization checks for the endpoint.
  • RequireAuthorization: Enables authorization checks and applies the specified policies.
  • ExposeAllNestedProperties: Exposes all nested properties for the endpoint.

Example Usage

Below is an example configuration using default values:

public class SlothEndpointConfiguration : ISlothEndpointConfiguration<Sloth>
    public void Configure(SlothEndpointBuilder<Sloth> builder)
            .HasEndpoint(true)                     // Default value
            .ExposeAllNestedProperties(false)      // Default value
            .AllowAnonymous();                     // Default value

            .HasEndpoint(true)                     // Default value
            .ExposeAllNestedProperties(false)      // Default value
            .AllowAnonymous();                     // Default value

            .HasEndpoint(true)                     // Default value
            .ExposeAllNestedProperties(false)      // Default value
            .AllowAnonymous();                     // Default value

            .HasEndpoint(true)                     // Default value
            .ExposeAllNestedProperties(false)      // Default value
            .AllowAnonymous();                     // Default value

            .HasEndpoint(true)                     // Default value
            .ExposeAllNestedProperties(false)      // Default value
            .AllowAnonymous();                     // Default value

            .HasEndpoint(true)                     // Default value
            .ExposeAllNestedProperties(false)      // Default value
            .AllowAnonymous();                     // Default value

These settings illustrate the use of default values for the endpoint configuration in Slothful CRUD. This is equivalent to:

public class SlothEndpointConfiguration : ISlothEndpointConfiguration<Sloth>
    public void Configure(SlothEndpointBuilder<Sloth> builder)